Dark Fall The Journal Walkthrough For Pc


Dark Fall 2 with Director's Cut revision walkthroughDark Fall II: Lights OutOriginal & Director's Cut's versionby Jonathan Boakes & XXv ProductionWalkthrough by MaGtRo September2004; March 2009Gameplay: This is a point and click game.Youcan skip the introduction using the arrow at the bottom of the screen. The mainmenu has new game, load, credits and quit. The top part of the game screenshows the activity bar - save, load and quit. The bottom part of the game screenshows the inventory bar. The game can be played without the CD in the CD-ROMdrive.To save a game, click onSave and it will automatically open MyDocuments folder. Make a new folder and label it Dark Fall 2 or any label youwant and then open thisfolder.

Turn back right and match the order of the sounds by clicking the runes in the following order: top-right, lower-left, lower-right, center, and left. The barrier disappears. Move forward twice to enter the chamber of Dark Fall. 'Dark Fall' To seal away Dark Fall, we must say the 12 lyrics in their proper order.

Enter the label you want to describe the saved game, click save and thesaved games are now in the DF2 folder.The game isnon-linear. This walkthrough follows one possible sequence of gameplay.Thanks, Pearl for someof the Easter eggs.You are Benjamin Parker, a cartographer sent to map the area ofthe harbor town of Trewarthan.The italicized text is from the Director's Cutversion of the game.1912 TrewarthanBenjamin Parker has a nightmare of drawings, maps, room,storm and lighthouse. A knock is heard.Open the door and no one is there. Lookup at the window of the building on the right and click the look cursor. The sky andthe lit top floor of the Fisherman Arms are seen. A drunken man can be seenat right talking about a lighthouse and other things.

Click on him to startanother topic. Turn right and look close atthe door of Reubans cottage next door.Go back inside the room by going righttwice from Reubans'door and enter. A lantern is in inventory.Parker's room: Look closeat theworktable on the leftand see the map of Cornwall, 2 hooks and painting tools. Pull back and look up.Check the picture of a man with a viewfinder and a railway map with 2 placeswith an X mark.

Turn right from table and seeParker's map box. Open it and see 2 old maps of Cornwall.Close box. Look at the picture above the bed.Look close on the drawings and the redbook of Benjamin Parker on the bed. Read the journal and click on the edge toturn the pages.

He was met by Spivey with a cart and pony. Parker wascommissioned to come here by Robert Demarion, the local doctor. Parker dreamsof a lighthouse and at dawn, dreams of a fire ball - a metal container.Demarion's kitchenand garden: After reading the first 2day's journal, see and click on 2 bird paintings on the wall and be transported to a recallof journal events.Turn right, forward to sink and turn left.

Exit through thedoor and look close at axe on tree stump. Turn left and look up at tree.

Turnleft to door, forward and turn right to outhouse. Look inside the outhouse and read the 2notes in the water. Did Demarion try to flush these notes? Back outof shed, look at tub of water on the ground on right side of shed, turnright to see tree trunk and then turn around to view the wheel on the left ofshed.Go back inside, check the sink, turn right to the hutch andclick on apples. Open the bottom right cabinet and see a stereoviewer. Click onthe top hinge to change the angle of the eyepieces. Look through the eyepiecesand see the top floor of the Fisherman Arms with a cat.

Click rightand see a building with a pulley. Click and see more of the town, people as wellas a picture or 2 of a lighthouse in different settings.Turn right, look close at a rabbit painting and thenat the groceries.

Read the pasty recipe, cream tea recipe and note by Mrs. Agnewabout today's meal. Note the mention of James on the lighthouse.Pantry: Turn right and forward to the doorthat cannot be opened. Turn left and click on latch of the pantry.Check theDevonshire Fudge box and read the diary. Note the comments about Fisherman'sArms and Fetch Rock. Note the description of a floppy disk with HaddenIndustries. This is 1912 - wow!

Take the Hadden Industries floppy disk.Next page describes a tunnel at the base of the lighthouse, a rock fall, pulsesound, song. Look at the pictures of a hole and a ghost at the crates. Pullback from box, look up and then down of center shelf. Click on bottom right ofscreen to exit the pantry.Click any of bird pictures to get back to the journal.Read the rest of the journal. Read the details ofhis meeting with Mr.

Demarion concerning the lighthouse. Exit the room.Harbor: Go forward, look up at the building onthe left (Garrett's Pilchards), turn left and see a ladder going up.

Turn aroundand look up again to the windows of the Fisherman's Arms - the one seen on thestereoviewer. Turn left and go forward twice.Turn right and hear a 'Who goesthere?' Look up, down at the cart and at the seafood selection sign. Click on door,enter and talk toDoctor Demarion about a job.

Whatever dialogue is selected, it will end up tocontinuing the adventure. It is your choice to agree to what Demarion wantsyou to do.

Learn about the lighthouse. Demarion had thelighthouse built in 1890. The ship Ribospassed the lighthouse tonight and reported that the lighthouse is not lit. Oliver Drake, James Woolf and Robert Shaw man the lighthouse.Demarion is so mysterious and demands secrecy.You should have already done what is needed to be checkedfrom your room, the town and Demarion's kitchen. You should have seen thenotes in the outhouse, taken the floppy disk from the pantry and have talked toDemarion. Turn left to the dock.

Goforward to the boat. If you cannot get on the boat, retrace all the steps, clickon all active places and items. Look at all angles of viewing of items in all 3places - room, harbor and kitchen.Enter the boat. Listento the Ballad of Flannan Isle on the way to the lighthouse.1912 Fetch RockCheck the debris in the water, 2 clicks right and left of theboat. Turn around from boat, forward, left and look up to see the unlitlighthouse. Go forward, turn left and look up at the pointed rock (is this thegrowing rock?).

Turn around from pointed rock and climb steps to lighthouse. Itis dark here.Light inside the hut: Goforward to the left of the lighthouse hut. Look up at the weather vane.

Lookdown and see a cord. Turn right and flip the emergency lighting switch to getlight inside the hut.Lighthouse hut: Enter and look around. See akey on the window sill. Go down the steps.Boiler room: Look close at the gauges of theboiler. Go forward to right side of boiler and then click on the lantern ininventory when you get a tool cursor.

Turn left, forward and left to look at 3levers. Have to know more before we can fiddle with these.Go back to the front of the boiler and turn to face the stairs.Click on the active cursor at bottom left of the stairs. Use lantern and takethe floor plan-drawing.

Study the drawing and note the layout of this area.There are 3ships in front of the boiler and 3 ships drawn on the room across it.Director's Cut: See the directions to start the boiler and how toactivate the taps.The darkroom on the right shows steps and cabinets.Coal room: Enter the room across the boiler.Turn right and click on the blower, the 1912 version of intercom. Hear weirdsounds. Hear someone asking for help. Look at the paper hidden behind thewood panel of the blower.Note the number of dots beside the different ships.Director's Cut: See the same directions to start the boiler and howto activate the taps.Turn right and look close at dark area at bottom left. Use the lantern and see taps.Go back out and let's see if we can get the boiler going.Boiler puzzle:Prime the boiler - Based on the layout drawing, there are 3different ships in front of the boiler.

Using the ship-dots drawing, the ships aredecoded as from left to right: the ship with 2 dots, ship with 3 dots and theship with 1 dot. Go to the levers back of the boiler. Use yourlantern on the tool cursor. Turn left and look at the levers.

The levers arenoted in positions from left to right as 1, 2 and 3. The ships code of 2 dots, 3dots and 1 dot is decoded to mean pull down (L - R) middle lever, right leverand then left lever.Turn the boiler on - Go back to the coal roomand turn left to the taps at the bottom of the wall.

Use lantern on toolcursor. Based on the layout picture and the ship-dot picture, the 3 ships fromtop to bottom are the ones with 2 dots, 3 dots and 1 dot.The taps are positioned 1, 2and 3 from top to bottom. The shipscode of 2 dots, 3 dots and 1 dot is decoded to mean press the middle tap,bottom tap and top tap.When correctly done, see lights come onthroughout the lighthouse.

Director's Cut:Go to the levers back of the boiler. Use your lantern on the toolcursor. Turn left and look at the levers.Prime Boiler: Pull downlevers; Middle lever - Right lever - Left lever.Go back to the coal room and turn left to the taps at the bottom of thewall. Use lantern on tool cursor.Activate Taps: Press the middletap - bottom tap - top tap.Bottom level of lighthouse: Go to the roomnext to the boiler room and see thatthere are now lights. Turn right and use lantern to see head boards. Turn left tothe cabinet and check the shelves.

Climb the stairs and look at the red bottle. Climb further andenter the door with a hole. Look at the chair under the stairs. Climbup to the first level.First level: Look at the map of Cornwall, a work box with a hook and a FWW red book. Look at right side and note the filled coffee cup. Read the 1912 log book.Crew room: Enter the door on the right. Note cabinet on the left with cups, work list and stock list.Turnleft while facing the supplies cabinet and look close at the FRL crate. Openthe crate and clickon the cloth at right to reveal a hidden compartment.

See a picture of agrounded ship and paper with DRAKE, stars and numbers on it. Graphics is shownlater in the walkthrough.Turn around and look at the uneaten meal.

Go to the other sideof the kitchen and look around. Check the hanging pots and the coffee potsright of the sink. There is a small store door right of stove.Enter the store door and look out to the table. Go to the door and click on the blowerto hear the weird sound again. He's been waiting for you. Why are youlooking for us?

There is no us. Exit and look at the 2pictures on the wall.Second level: Continue up the lighthouse.A ghost is heard. A note - 'Is there anybodythere?' 'What do you want with Robert Shaw?

My name is BenjaminParker. I have come from Trewarthan. Why are you here? Drake is coming up thestairs. Drake can see you.

Drake will take you. He is watching you.' Ask whathappened here and the ghost tells what happened to them. 'Drake - no a demon. Hetook my soul'.Look close at the lady in the picture and other thingson the shelf.Crew's (Woolf and Shaw's) Bedroom: Enter the door onthe right.Look at the picture on the left wall.

Use thelamp on the painting of a woman sweeping. Read the letter of Beatriceto James behind the right picture about Drake possibly losing his mind. Clickon the mirror and read James' letter to Beatrice. Malakai - remember that name. Check the drawers.The second from the top has a ghostly robed man picture.

The second from thebottom drawer has more pictures. The bottom drawer has the poem.Go forward and turn left to the table with the violin. Lookclose at the FRL box and see pictures, one of is of a bottle on arock. Go to the bookcase under the window and read about the Piskie Little Folk of Duloe.Read about The Fetch of Fetch Rock.Look at the bunk bed, pictures and the photography book on thelower bunk. Click on pillow of the lower bunk and read the letter of Beatriceto James. Go to the door and play with the light switch. Use the lanternon the blower at right of door and hear a louder scary sound.

Drake wentmad. He's here now, listening to what we're saying. Exit andcontinue up the stairs.Third level: It is dark here.The lamp is broken.

See a ladder on the wall and a door on the right. Turn rightand use lamp on the pictures on the wall.The door has Drake's name instead of a doorknob. Flipthe lock lid up and see buttons similar to the drawing found on the trunk in thekitchen.Numbering the buttons from left to right - 1 - 4,press 1 2 1 3 24 3 4. Door opens.Drake's room: Look at the maps on the wall.Turn left and see a ripped out lamp holder.

Use the blower and listen. Wish he would go away. Turn leftof door and click on the bed.

Open and check the contents of the top 2 drawersunder the bed. Read Demarion's 4 letters to Drake concerning the lighthouse andParker. Read the Bodmin book on the window sill.Look at the 2 pictures of William Drake, 18 andCatherine Drake, 24 on the wall by the window.Director's Cut: Wm. Drake age 19 and Catherine Drake, age 21.Go to the work table and see an FRL stamp. Read Drake's journal.A mention of a small etching of Fetch Rock with no lighthouse is supposed to besomewhere here. Same dream as Parker described is mentioned - comet. The rest ofthe entries spoke directly to and about Parker.

Parker!Use the lantern on the picture on the wall right ofthe desk. Click on the tower above the cliff on the painting. Press the buttonand a drawer below the bed is opened.A picture of the lighthouse with a purple 1, green 2,yellow 3 and blue 4 above a metal canister is seen. Another picture of a seriesof walkways going towards under the lighthouse is depicted. Note that the startof the walkway is behind the lighthouse and goes to a cave under the lighthouse.Closet: Turn left and open the closet left ofthe window. Look close, use the lantern on the hanging clothes and click to movethe clothes aside. Another door is revealed.

No data yet to open this door. Backout and turn to face the door.Lamp Room: Exit the room andturn right to the ladder. Climb to the top and turn to see the lighthouse lamp.Pull the 2 levers flanking gauges on the wall that don't seem to be working.Pull the triangle handle to sound the foghorn. Look back at the lighthouse lamp.Go forward to the front of the lamp, look down and goout through the opening at the bottom of the glass wall. Turn around and see abell. Let's ring the bell. Turn around and see the fog covered sky.

Turn rightand walk around the balcony. Look up, use lantern and see the foghorn.

Go backinside the lamp room through the opening at bottom of wall by the bell. (Thanks,Robert!)Walkway to cave: Let's look for the walkway shown on the picturein Drake's locked drawer. Go back downand exit the lighthouse. Now that we have seen the map in Drake's secret drawer,go around the hut and click behind the hut left of thewall with the emergency lighting.Climb down the ladder,turn around and go forward to the walkway. Partway, you can look up at thelighthouse.

Go forward until the crates with a crab insignia. This place lookslike the ghost picture seen on the fudge box in Demarion's pantry.

Go forward,down the steps and left to the cave.Cave:Hear 'Over here' guiding you inside the cave. Go forward, pass the crab cratesand right to the drums. Go forward once to the drums, turn right, go forward and seean entrance that was shown on the other picture in the fudge box journal. Enter and turn right.

See colorsof a certain pattern flash on the wall. Turn left,go forward once, turn left and see the colors flash on the wall again. Turnright, forward and now the colors flash in front of the entrance. Turn aroundand go back out.2004Fetch RockThe drums and crates are not here but a pool. Go forward, left,forward and go outside.Turn right and look atrock below the sign stand.

Climb steps and come out to present day Fetch Rock.Go right, then left pass the picnic table and look at the telescope. Oh, we needmoney to use it. See Polly's map below given later in the game to guide you around the area. Note the different landscape and how itchanged from 1912.Discovery Center - WW II building: Goaround the picnic table, then right and enter the WW II exhibit building. Go forward, right and look at the information about The Haunted Radio -Ralf. The right knob is missing.Turn around and go to the laptop on the table.

Use the floppydisk on the purple floppy disk drive. Press the middle single arrow to listen tothe EVP capture 1. Exit the building.Seven Sisters Rocks: Turn right just outside the buildingand look at the rocks. Turn left and go forward to the other side of the islandpass the cave entrance.Landing Station: Afterthe cave entrance on your left, go forward andturn right to the entrance booth.

Go forward to the landing area. This is whereParker's boat landed in 1912. Turn left and look right of the yellow drums. Take aspear from the ground. Turn left and look close at the red fuel tank.Turn left and move the cursor left of the base of an antenna tower that is leftof the green tanks. See a Roman numeral II plaque.Look inside the entry booth. See a drawing on the right wallbeside the green mug.

Use the spear and click twice on the paper by the mug.Note the number 5582 on the paper written for Ben by Diane on 29/04/04. Turnaround and see the Fang Rock. Turn left to main path.Director's Cut: Look inside the entry booth.

See a drawing on the right wallbeside the green mug. Use the spear and click once on the paper by the mug.Note the number 55?? On the paper written for Ben by Diane on 29/04/04. The last2 numbers are blurred. Turnaround and see the Fang Rock. Turn left to main path.Cafe: Turn right, go forward and look aroundthe closed Cafe area. Look at the right side of the trash bin to see theRoman numeral IV plaque ( Director'sCut: Roman Numeral L plate).

Turn left and go to the steps leading to the lighthouse.Toilet area: Go forward and turn right toenter the female side. Look inside the right stall and see Roman numeral Iplaque under the toiletpaper dispenser. Look above the wall with the pictures and see the men's toilet.Exit and go to the men's toilet. Look close under the sink to see the Romannumeral I plaque.Turn around from sink and look at the urinal on the right.

Move the lid on thefloor grate and get coins.Telescope:Exit the toilet area and go back to the telescope at the other side of theisland: Go left to cafe area, turn right to the booth by landing area and turnright. Go forward to the other side of the island.

Look close at telescope. Usethe coins on the View Point. Move the cursor to get a view of the Roman numeralIII plaque on the side of the lighthouse. Go back to lighthouse steps pass thetoilet and let'senter the lighthouse.Lighthouse:Door:Look close and see that the door lock is the drawing that wasseen in the entrance booth. Counting from top to bottom, press buttons 5582.Director's Cut: Halfway up the steps to the lighthouse, turn leftto see an LCD screen.

Click on screen. Look at birds seen in this area presentedby the Fetch Rock Wildlife Trust. Click right arrow to scroll through the birdpictures. At end is an error message, click cancel. The reboot screen showedcurrent entry code/last 2 pin ## 64.Continue up the steps to the door. See the drawingfrom the entrance booth.

We got the first 2 numbers there: 55. The rebootmessage of the LCD screen showed the last 2numbers: 64.

Counting from top tobottom, press buttons 5564.Gift Shop: Look around and read the books onthe table.Go to the other side of the book stand by going in front of the cashregister and turn left to the side aisle. Go forward and click on thebutton right of the music CDs. Look down and press the one by the Trewarthan Fisherman's Choir to hear an eerie voice, something about 'untildawn'. Look at the different souvenirs on the back wall.Horror at Fetch Rock book: Turnaround and read the book -Horror at Fetch Rock.

Learn what Demarion had to say on the inquest on thedisappearance of the 3 lighthouse keepers. Benjamin Parker was blamed for themurder of the keepers. The combination to the locked closet door is thedaughter's birth year combined with that of his son, add 'em up like. 'And theprefix is R'.Director's Cut: Turn around and read the book -Horror at Fetch Rock. Learn what Demarion had to say on the inquest on thedisappearance of the 3 lighthouse keepers. Benjamin Parker was blamed for themurder of the keepers.

The combination to the locked closet door is thedaughter's birth year combined with that of his son, add 'em up like and theprefix' clue is The White Cove.Go to the front display of books.Read Cornish Place Names book and learn that Portquin translates to White Cove.Cash register: Go behind theregister and read the note to Sarah on the register, the missing 220 pounds note on thecounter and the 2 letters under the counter about Polly White and the state ofaffairs at the Lighthouse. There's a waste basket under the counter. Look at thework schedule on the wall. Go through the red curtain.Old Boiler room: Go to the bottom of the stairs andthen turn around.The sign states that this is the original boiler room. Readthe Fetch Rock Lighthouse brochure.

Turn to the exhibit window showing Parker leavingthe harbor andthen look down. Look close at the blue file folder. Read about EVP (ElectronicVoice Phenomena), Polly's assertion that she is a reincarnation of James Woolfand that a Spivey still runs the Fisherman's Arms.Stay here for a while- face and look at the display of Parker's going to the boat at Trewarthan. Turnright and then turn back to look at Parker again. Turn left and then turnback to Parker again.

Leave the room, then come back and look at theexhibit again.Backpack: Pull back and lookdown at the backpack on the right. See Polly White'sZoom pass on left pocket and a camera on the right pocket.

Click on cameraand see a picture was shot. Click again to look close at the camera, press theround button and see a surprised Benjamin Parker - that's you.Click on flap tosee a tape recorder and diary. Click on the tape recorder and listen to Polly'shypnosis regression sessions as James Woolf. Read the diary and learn about theone knock for yes and 2 for no responses.

Polly as Woolf insists thatthere's a fourth person and that this man is waiting for Polly. That Polly willjoin them.Turn around and see Parker's picture on the poster. Read the 2posters.

Turn around from Parker's posters and look at bottom right of the arched entryway and use lantern to see theRoman numeral C plaque.Lamp-old Coal room: Enter the Lighthouselamp-lens room which was formerly the coal room. Youcan sit on the chair if you want. Turn around and use the lantern on bottomright of the arched opening. See the Roman numeral V plaque.

Exit thecoal-lighthouse lens room. Enter the display room at right.Display room: This is where thestoreroom and base of the lighthouse was situated. Read the different postersand look at the different items on the display cases. Look at the TV monitorshowing the town and the lighthouse area.First level: Climb the steps to thefirst level. Hear a voice - it is James Woolf. Look close at the sign on theleft and click on the picture of the crew room.

Look at all the posters especially the picturesof the missing lighthouse keepers. Turn right to the window, press the greenbutton and see an exhibit of a conversation between Woolf andShaw. Woolf mentions about the combination of Drake's cupboard concerns theage of his children.Second level:Climb the stairs and check the window to see the landing area. See an unlitrestaurant.

Enter to hear some scary sounds. Continue to climb up by clicking onthe window on the stairs wall on the right or bottom right.On the stairwell, check Polly's blue notebook. Shesaw Parker and lost the goggles at the Discovery Centre.Third level: See the ladder on the wall,posters and a bell. Look behind the bell to see the Roman numeral VI plaque.Staff Room (Polly): Look close at the keyhole of thestaff room. Wait a bit and talk to Polly White (eye seen only).

She recognized you as BenjaminParker.Click on the door to answer her questions - click on left side ofkeyhole to get one knock for yes and click on right side of keyhole to get2 knocks for no answer. Yes, you are Parker and No you are not going toharm her. Polly slips the lighthouse diagram under the door.Note the drawing of the EVP/EMP detector pointing to the Discovery Center.Director's Cut: We cannot answer Polly.

Look down and Polly slipsthe lighthouse diagram under the door. Note the drawing of the EVP/EMP detector pointing to the Discovery Center.Lamp Room: Climb the ladderto the Lamp room, turn right one ramp below the topmost one.Look around at the paintings and then look close atthe binocular of the keeper. See Roman numeral L plaque on top of the fuel tank.Director's Cut: Look around at the paintings and then look close atthe binocular of the keeper. See Roman numeral IV plaque on top of the fueltank.Lighthouse Puzzle by Andrew Verney - Look close at thelighthouse puzzle left of Matt Clark paintings. The solution to the puzzleis based on the correct sequence of the Roman numerals depicted on the differentplaques seen around the area.

Compare the design on the puzzle to the designs ofRoman numeral plaques 1-4. Pull down levers (L-R, numbered 1-4) 3 1 4 2. If done correctly,the secret drawer opens.Look at? Envelope and take the missing Ralf knob.Look at the Ralf picture and note where the 3 knobs are positioned.Go down and exit the lighthouse. Go to the Discovery Center - WWII exhibit. Go down the steps, right to see the landing station and entry booth.Click on entry booth to get close and then go right path that crosses theisland.Discovery Center - WW II exhibit:Look around for Polly's EVP/EMP goggles.As soon as you enter through the door, turn left to the first row of chairs by the door. Click in between the chair'sbackrest and use the lantern to see what is on the floor.

Take Polly's EVP/EMPdetector. The EVP/EMP detector is placed at bottom right of inventory bar.2004 EVP/EMP activityareseen in these places.Once a place or item shows activity, the detector atbottom right of screen flashes and beeps. Click on detector to show the anomaly.Sometimes you can click on the item or picture and something else happens.Discovery Center:Ralf radio - Look close at radio. Use the knob taken from thelighthouse puzzle on the Ralf radio. Turn the knobs to the position shown bythe lighthouse puzzle picture: 01 for the left knob, vertical for the middleknob and pointing to Y for the right knob. Once correctly done, the knobs willnot move anymore and EVP/EMP flashes indicating electromagnetic pulses and voicesfrom the past. Click on detector, hear voices and see 120, 180 020 on the gauges.You are mine!

I know why you are here.Bottom left columnpicture, right of Ralf. Click on detector to show the anomaly. The picture shows a ghost man and glowing propeller. The propellerglows in a Y shape.Top second from right column of picturesshows a ghost man between the group of men pictured. Click on detector to showthe anomaly.Second from top at right column of picture shows an airplanewith A E (target)A on the side. Don't do it now but if you click on picture,you will be transported to a 2090 AD DEOS kitchen.

This does not happen inDirector's Cut.Exit the building right of the pictures. Go forward tothe steps. Go forward and left after the sign seen on the left of thepath.Cave under thelighthouse - Enter cave, forward, right and go to the wedge shaped entrance. Turn around and seea green symbol in the pool.Turn around and go through the wedge shaped entranceagain to exit. Go forward at the pool, left and forward to exit the cave.Lighthouse:Go back to the lighthouse by going left from cave, forward, left, forward and upthe steps.Enter the museum using code numbers: 5582 orDirector's Cut's 5564. Go through thered curtain.Museum - Old Boiler Room- Look close at the picture on the sign stating that this room is originally theFetch Rock Boiler room right of the entryway. If you click on the picture after it is activated, youwill be transported to the 1912 boiler room.

Back out if you don't want to go thereyet.Display room - Look close at the robed statue carved by James Woolf on thedisplay case, see it glow and hear James talk.Stairs by Display room - Take a step up the stairs and turn around. See thedisplay cases connected by the energy.First level - Look close at the sign that says this is the level of the maincrew room. If you click on the picture after it is activated, you will betransported to the 1912 crew room. Back out if you don't want to go there yet.First level -Look close at the picture ofJames Woolf and hear James talk. You can have a conversation with James. Askvaried path of questions. Learn about what happened and that he did lure Pollyhere.Second level - Look at the picture of the lighthouse door at top of the left column ofpictures.

If you click on the picture after it is activated, you will betransported to the 1912 lighthouse door. Back out if you don't want to go thereyet.1912Fetch RockUse the goggles on the active pictures. Click on any of the 3pictures in 2004 that will bring you back to 1912: Old Boiler room picture, Crew roompicture at first level or picture of lighthouse door on second level.1912 EVP/EMP activityareseen in these places.Once a place or item shows activity, the detector atbottom right of screen flashes and beeps. Click on detector to show the anomaly.Sometimes you can click on the item or picture and something else happens.Boiler room: Go behindthe boiler, turn to the pipe and turn to the wall.

If you click on the wall after itis activated, you will be transported to the 2090 AD destroyed basement. Backout if you don't want to go there yet. You can also click on this same 2090 AD wall toget back to 1912 wall.First level Cornwall map: See an X onTalland area.First level 1912 book:Take note of the highlighted numbers. I know you well.First level Crew room:Go inside the small store cabinet right of sink. Look at James' ghost and listen to all ofwhat he says.

He's sorry about getting Polly involved. Wait a while and he willtalk more. James can see you. Have a conversation with James' ghost. He'shere now!Second level stairsgoing down: When in between the second level and the firstlevel, turn around and look down at the stairs.

Listen to Robert Shaw and see his ghostly shape.Have a conversation and learn what happened that night.Second level CrewBedroom: Open the FRL box on the table and look at the picture of a bottle on arock. If you click on the bottle picture after it is activated, you will betransported to the 2004 second level in front of the same picture. Backout if you don't want to go there yet.Lamp Room: Standfacing the ladder withlevers on the left and the lens on the right to see and hear Robert Shaw by theladder. Have a conversation with Shaw and learn what happened that night.Malakai is here. He is waiting for you.Lamp Room: Stand withthe chart on your back and the ladder on the left, look up at the lens to see ayellow symbol.Drake's cupboard: EnterDrake's room by numbering the buttons from left to right - 1-4, press 1 2 1 3 24 3 4.

Go to closet and use the lantern on the clothes in closet.Drake's closet doorpuzzle - Based on the clue stated in the Horror at Fetch Rock book, thecombination to the locked closet door is the daughter's birth year combined withthat of his son.And the prefix is R.The back of the 2pictures on the wall states that William Drake is 18 and Catherine Drake is 24.The year is 1912 now. SoWilliam was born 1894 and Catherine was born 1888.

1894 + 1888 = 3782.Enter R 3782 on thecloset lock.Director's Cut: The prefix based on the original name of White Cove isP(ortquin).The back of the 2pictures on the wall states that William Drake is 19 and Catherine Drake is 21.The year is 1912 now. SoWilliam was born 1893 and Catherine was born 1891. 1893 + 1891 = 3784.Enter P 3784 on thecloset lock.Look inside the cupboardat the picture of marshland. Click on picture and you will be transported to 2090 BC.2090 BC MarshRemember this view of where you landed.

This is thesame place you need to be to go back to 1912. Look aroundat the drying animal skins and go tothe huts on the other side of the marsh.Village:After passing through the reeds, turn left, forward and look close at the woodarrangement on a rock between 2 wood bundles. Turn right and enter thevillage. Note the prehistoric landscape of Fetch Rock.Eggs - Pass the first tent, turn left and look close at eggs onrock table.

Activity is noted. Check EVP/EMP activity on the egg on the rock table and see abluesymbol.Go forward beyond the eggs and see anaxe that can be moved on a rock on the left. Turn right and forwardin between the huts. Turn left and forward to the arranged rock on the shore.Turn right and go forward to the island.Seahenge:Using the EVP/EMP detect 3 sets of numbers on the surrounding poles - 180 110150. Look close at the central rockon the ground and the radiating lines around it.

Use the detector and see Z on the rock.Listen to the words - not of earth. That is where Ireside.waiting for you.Go back to the villagebetween the 2 huts - Turn around from the poles, forward, left and forward twice. Turn rightto the village and goforward. See a shell necklace on a rock but with a computer board at the end.The other end of the necklace has a key.Cave:Go forward 2 times, turn left, forward once and then turn right. Enter thecave. Go forward to stand at the pool, turn right and enter the familiar entrance. Go thevery end and see that there are paths to the right and to the left.Bowl Cave - Turn left and go to the bowl cave.Go forward to the rock wall, right, forward, turn around, move cursor tobottom of screen until a look cursor is seen.

Click and see a pot. Use the EVP/EMPdetector and listen to Malakai - death is everywhere. Go forward and left to exitthe cave.Malakai's cave - Go to the other cave ahead. See a space probe. Itis just like the drawing in Drake's secret drawer. Open the side and see #4/deos/Malakai. Studythe data on the frame. We need more information to do this puzzle.

Close lid - leavethis place.Exit the cave area by clicking 2 times forward from Malakai's caveentryway and turn left. Go forward to the pool, forward once to stand in water, turn leftand go forward to outside.Rocks: Outside the cave, turnright and go forward until a small pool at the end. Turn around with pool onyour back, look up to theright and see a pile of rocks on top of the big boulder. Click on the pile ofrocks to automatically be on top of the boulder. Take a floppy disc fromthe rock.Go down and go to thevillage. Go back to the other island with the drying skins. From the pool onyour back: forward 3 times, right, forward 5 times, right, forward once, leftand forward 3 times.Just before you reach the island turn right andclick on the reeds that activate the EVP/EMP detector.

This is the original placethat we arrived here on. Click to get back to 1912.1912Fetch RockSecond level CrewBedroom: Open the FRL box on the table and look atthe picture of a bottle on a rock. Click on the bottle picture after it isactivated and be transported to the 2004 second level in front of the samepicture.Discovery Center: Go to thefloppy disk drive and insert the floppy disk taken from 2090 BC. See a graphicdepiction of a robot and remote control. There's a colorpalette on the left that has the purple-pink highlighted. There are 5 buttons onthe remote control. The five colors starting with the highlighted purple-pink oncolor chart are purple-pink, green, red, blue and orange.Go back to 1912 AD by clicking on the picture of theboiler room right of the entryway and left of Parker's exhibit at the lighthouseor the other two pictures upstairs at the lighthouse's first level.2090 ADStill 1912 - Go down tothe boiler room.

Meet the ghost again in the stairwell. Go behind the boiler by the pipe, use lantern, turn left,forward to pipe and turn right to the wall. Click on the wall after it isactivated. Back up and see this wall is at a different time period.

You canalso click on this same 2090 AD wall to get back to 1912 wall.Shadow Cave: Turn right, forward,left, forward to the arched opening and then turn right. Forward, left, forward2times and hear children's voices.

Turn right to an opening on the wall.Elevator shaft:Enter though the hole and turn right. Turn around to see dynamite with timer onthe floor in front of a DEOS sign.Let's not fool around with it. Turn right and go forward until the grill ledgeat left. Climb down the ladder at rightuntil the top of an elevator. Turn around and go to the other side. Turn aroundand look at the green tool box. Look at Gerard Magnus' ID tag.

Open the toolboxand take the laser. Check the DEOS PDA in front of the yellow box.Magnus was working on the elevator. Read the report. Jump downto the lit floor below.Cargo Bay:Go forward to the red lit walkway 2xs and then turn right. Look close at the IDtag of Maria Ortega. Click twice on her PDA and read what happened in the lastdays.

These people didn't know about the lighthouse. Continue forward and pass through door 1.Decontaminationchamber: Go to right side alcove between 2 posts close tothe door, turn around and see lights dim and hear a sound. Go through door 2.Storage:Go forward 4xs. The other door is closed. Go back once and turn left to a grateon yellow wall.Look close and use the laser on the screws on the grate.Air duct: Enter grate and uselantern. Crawl forward and turn left at the intersection. Forward 2xs, right,forward 3xs, right, forward, left and forward until the grill.

Open grill andenter the storeroom.Storeroom:Turn around and look down on the crate. Press the button of the inventory PDA.Oh, Maria was taken by Malakai. Look around and note the blinking machine on theother side of the aisle.Exit the room by goingthrough 2 vertical neon lines. Go forward 2 times and see a 4 way intersectionlit by red lined wall lamps.Clinic: Go forward passthe intersection and left to enter the clinic. Go around to the other side.Atthe turn of the corner, click to open the curtain on the right window.

Check the EVP/EMPenergy and see time and date on the floor of the room - 00:05 20/04/90.Director's Cut: There's a glowingbody behind the curtain. Open the curtain and look at the body.Look at the items onthe table and note a cigarette butt in a large jar at right. Look at the x-ray films and itchanged color from blue to purple once. The first and last films have a star onthem. The 2 at the middle have a circular inserts. Check the desk.

Exit and goback to the 4 way intersection. Turn left to go to the crew quarters.Hallway: Click on DEOSpanel on wall. Read about DEOS - Deep Exploration of Space.Click on the fourthfuzzy probe and read about Malakai.Malakai, an artificial intelligence sent off for deep space probe has a failsafe system,a software known as The Keeper. Note monitors on the walls of the hallway.Crew Quarters:They all disappeared too.

Check each room by clicking on the greenbutton under their pictures.Maria Ortega - The door doesn't open.She was at the loading dock.Mitsuyo Taku - Press thegreen button to enter the crew quarter. Look around and note that she smokes.She might be the one that left the cigarette in the jar at the clinic. Look close and click on the thumbof the hand on the shelf - it twitched!Look at the PDA on the bed. She's trying to match afingerprint of the person who searches her room. The data cable code is 113675 and the code for the x-light is391865. There's an emergency shutdown. Take a film strip on the box onthe bed. Let's see if we can continue her detective work.

Press green button toopen the door.Storeroom - Go back tothe storeroom. From Mitsuyo's room, turn right, forward twice and go left tostoreroom. Go forward and turn right to the dispenser. Enter the x-lightnumber taken from the Mitsuyo's PDA - 391865. Take the x-light.

Go backto the crew quarters hallway - exit room, forward twice and go right.Ivan Krozt - Look under the Sci-Fi magazine on the bed and geta green remote control. There's an MP3 player that you can listen todifferent music. It being Ivan's birthday, there are presents around the room.Look close at robot on the desk. It looks familiar.The one shown on the monitor at the Discovery Centre. Use the remote control onthe robot. Using the colors learned from the floppy disk used at the DiscoveryCenter, press buttons pink, green, red, blue and orange.

See the robot project apink symbol on the opposite wall.Press green button to open the door.Vimel Dehlya - Look around on his desk, PDA and the pictureson the monitor. Press green button to open the door. Exit.Magnus Griel is removed from the crew.Hmmm.Corbin Hart - Enter the room ofthe DEOS Project Manager.

Check thebox on the bunk bed and read about Mitsuyo, Magnus and the loss of the Malakaiprobe. These papers are important in learning the background of Malakai. Learnthat an unknown matter was encountered by the probe. Is this the reason theKeeper safeguard was overridden?

Corbin thinks to destroy the codes andinitiation sequence.Read the letter inside the tube by the football.Look at the children's drawings. Looks familiar - lighthouse, comet and theother drawing looks like Palmer.

Listen to the tape on the table by pressingthe button on the right. The children's nightmares are recounted. Destroying.

They soundlike the children at the pool above.Turn back tothe door and look close at the windsurfer display on right middle shelf. Turnit around and take a key. Press green button to open the door. Exit,turn left and go to the 4 way intersection.Go left and down the corridor and see that Malakai's picture isdefaced.

Enter through the other door, turn left before the door and use the keytaken from Corbin Hart's windsurfer model on the slit.Main Probe System:The room is bathe in blue. Look at the monitor and note the similarity of thisto the lights on the wall when we entered the cave under the 1912 lighthouse.Is this Malakai's working circuits? Cannot do anything else here.Director's Cut: Read Corbin's transmission with Malakai during sendoff and the loss of Malakai. Malakai is coming home.The EVP beeps. Use the EVP/EMPgoggles and see a time, 00:05.Go back - forward to the end door of the crew quartershallway.Kitchen:Look around the room and see that it is Ivan's birthday. Check the fortunesfrom fortune cookies right of the microwave.

One of fortune states - Seek Malakai,he knows all. Check the dining table, TV area and the soda cooler.Airplane postcard- Go to the far counter and see an airplane postcard similar to the one atthe 2004 Discovery Center except for the A H (target) V on the side.

Check the EVP/EMPactivity. If you click on the picture after it is activated, you will betransported to the 2004 Discovery Center. Back out if you don't want to gothere yet.Director's Cut: The airplanepostcard is not active.PDA - On the same counter asthe postcard, click on the DEOSquick recipe PDA beside the postcard.

Read the notes about Magnusbecoming strange and about looking for the rest of the fingerprint. Thisfollows what Mitsuyo wrote in the PDA in her room. So Magnus is Malakai'sinstrument here as Drake was at the 1912 lighthouse.Fingerprintpuzzle:Fingerprint - On the same counter asthe postcard, click on the x-light and see a blue light shine.

The light willmove as you move the cursor. Use the x-light on the sakecup. Click to pick up the sake cup and see a fingerprint. Use the film striptaken from Mitsuyo's bed on the fingerprint to take the imprint. Goback to Mitsuyo's room.Mitsuyo's room - Usethe film strip with fingerprint on the scanner located left on the table.


Themonitor shows comparison with known fingerprints. Click on the right arrow atbottom left to change to another comparison. It is Magnus.

Listen to the eerie voices. Malakai is more coherent. Exit the room.Director's Cut: Clinic: Go back to theclinic.

Go right, forward twice to the red lighted intersection. Turn right, forward and left to enter the clinic. Go around to the other side.Atthe turn of the corner, click to open the curtain on the right window.

Theglowing body is gone!Open the curtain and check the EVP/EMP energy. Seedate in the room: 90 BCMarshTravel to 2090 BC.One way from 2090 AD is bygoing through the air duct in the storeroom to go to the supply ramp. Fromhere pass door 2 and door 1 to the elevator. At the elevator, click on the topright wall to open the ceiling door. Climb the ladder, grilled ledge and outto the hole.

From the hole, go to the arched brick wall and out to the 1912boiler room. Enter Drake's room at top level by numbering the buttons fromleft to right - 1-4, press 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 4. Go to Drake's closet and click onthe marsh picture to get to 2090 BC.(Not available for the Director's Cut version)The other way is to use the postcard in the DEOS kitchen to get to 2004Discovery Center. Go to any of the 3 energized pictures at the 2004 lighthouseto go to 1912 lighthouse. Enter Drake's room at top level by numbering thebuttons from left to right - 1-4, press 1 2 1 3 2 4 3 4. Go toDrake's closet and click on the marsh picture to get to 2090 BC.Enter R 3782 on thecloset lock.

Director's Cut: Enter P 3784 on thecloset lock.Malakai's Cave:Go to Malakai's cave:Open the side ofMalakai.

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