Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts Bounties
This Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts Collectibles Guide will show you all the collectibles and their locations. In total, there are 30 collectibles in the game that are randomly placed in the different regions of the game.While there are 30 collectibles, you just need to collect 14 of them to unlock “The Whole Picture” trophy/achievement.
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts Sony Playstation 4 Brand New Sealed PS4. $32.99 + $4.99 Shipping. Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts - PlayStation 4. Open-ended contracts, bounties and side ops deliver strong replayability options to complete objectives and collect cash to redeem for upgrades and rewards. Beware rival snipers who.
Our guide will detail the collectible and their locations so that you can find them easily. Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts Collectibles GuideBelow we have detailed all the collectible locations in the game. Altai MountainsThis is the first region that you start with.
There are 6 collectibles here that you can find. All of them are listed below.Collectible #1 – Junior Technician’s NotesEnter this building, and the collectible will be inside a trash can.
It is easy to spot. Be careful as there will be some enemies around here that you might have to clear out before heading inside.Collectible #2 – Ivanovsky’s NotesThis collectible will be in the lower levels of this building. You have to take the stairs that take you to the lower levels. Get down to the lowest level and you will find this collectible on a green box with a lamp.Collectible #3 – Client’s Spy Secret ReportThis collectible is out in the open, where it will right down this ledge where you can just pick it up from the ground.Collectible #4 – Public MeetingThis collectible is in the snowmobile garage or parking area. It will be a note that will be placed on the wall in the back of the garage. It is easy to spot.Collectible #5 – Stop Feeding MoscowThis is another poster that is placed outside on the wall. Go to the location as shown on the map and then pick up the poster from the outside of the wall that is facing northCollectible #6 – March for IndependenceThis collectible is a poster placed on the wall that you can pick up.
It will be on the small structure right below the large pipes that you can see on the map. Kolchak HarborThis is the second region of the game. There are 6 collectibles you find in this region.
All of them are listed below.Collectible #1 – Siberia Cuts Ties With MoscowThis collectible will be under the bridge. Go to the area that is right under the middle of the bridge. You can access the underground area by taking the stairs down under the bridge. This will be a newspaper article placed on the wall that you can pick up.Collectible #2 – Olga Kurchatov’s NotesThis building will be a workshop where the collectible will be on a plank of wood on the two barrels. The barrels are yellow and blue, while the collectible sits next to the lamp.Collectible #3 – Sekhov’s NotesFor this collectible, you need to get inside the building that is right next to the large ship.
Enter the building by accessing the stairs and pick up the collectible from the white table.Collectible #4 – War PropagandaThis collectible will be a poster that is placed right at the entrance of a building made of bricks. Go to the location shown on the map.
The area is near the large ship.Collectible #5 – Nizhlev’s DrawingsThis collectible is in the northernmost part of this map. There is a small ship with a lot of containers to the south of it.
The collectible will be on top of the 4 blue barrels. You will have to scavenge around in the container area to locate this collectible.Collectible #6 – Kurchatov’s SpeechFrom the previous location, head to the building on the west. The building will be marked with a “2” logo on it. Get inside and pick up the green poster right in front of the entrance. Beketov ValleyThis is the next region that you will play in. This region contains 6 collectibles that you can pick up.
All of them are listed below.Collectible #1 – Petroshenko’s NotesThis location will take you inside the master bedroom of this building. The collectible will be on the desk that is to the right of the bed.Collectible #2 – Victory ParadeTo get this collectible, head inside this building which is the barracks. The poster will be on the wooden wall inside, opposite the bunk beds.Collectible #3 – Dorzhiev’s Death ListThis collectible will be inside this electrical building, where it will be on a blue box in the corner, and next to a locker.Collectible #4 – Fight BackThis collectible will be under the bridge that has a river stream flowing under it.
You have to go under this bridge and collect the poster on the wall.Collectible #5 – StrikeThis collectible is on the roof of this church-like building. You can access the attic of this building by climbing the stairs on the right.
The poster will be on the wall to the right.Collectible #6 – Romanovich’s NotesThis collectible is inside the cave that has a small makeshift camp inside. The collectible will be on a crate to the right. Arakcheyev FortressThis is the next region that you will play in. This region contains 6 collectibles that you can pick up.
All of them are listed below.Collectible #1 – Zaytsev’s Personal DiaryThis collectible is inside one of the portable toilets. One of the toilets will have its door open and the collectible will be on the floor of the toilet.Collectible #2 – Refinery BurnsThis collectible will be in a small underground tunnel that is shown on the map.
All you have to do is head inside and then take the poster from the wall.Collectible #3 – The Wolves ManifestoFrom this wooden bridge, there are stairs on the left side of the big gate that you can climb up. At the top, there will be a door that leads you to another set of stairs. The collectible will be on the wall as you begin climbing.Collectible #4 – Join the MovementThis is also a poster that you can collect. Go to the location shown on the map. This poster will be on the wall but on the lower level of this walkway.Collectible #5 – Antanasia’s EmailIn this building, climb all the way to the top, where the collectible will be on a table next to a laptop.Collectible #6 – The Twins’ DrawingsThis collectible is in the wooden shed that acts as parking for ships. Enter inside and you will find the collectible on the floor.
Sibirskaya-7 JunctionThis is the next region that you will play in. This region contains 6 collectibles that you can pick up. All of them are listed below.Collectible #1 – A Funeral NoticeThis collectible will be a poster that will be on one of the pillars of this structure. The poster will be green and easy to spot.Collectible #2 – Kurchatov’s NotesThis collectible will be in the main office of this building.
Enter inside and pick it up from the large table.Collectible #3 – Alikhanov’s DoodlesThis collectible can be easily missed it is placed in a dark area. Get to this area and you will come to a large hole at the end of this tunnel. The collectible will be on some bags of cement.Collectible #4 – Most WantedOn this side of the building near the dam, there will be a staircase that you can climb all the way to the top. The poster will be on the wall to the right, just as you reach the top.Collectible #5 – Kurchatov is AliveThis poster will be on a wall outside of this building.
The building will be a cargo depot with a lot of boxes and crates outside.Collectible #6 – Surikova’s NotesThis collectible will be in the underground water tunnel. Just head inside and you will find it on a box with a weapon next to it.Read more Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts guide:.This concludes our Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts Collectibles Guide. Post your comments below.

The Sniper: Ghost Warrior franchise has seen better days, especially following the failure of Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3’s open world approach. To that end, Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts promises a return to form, offering a variety of targets to kill in highly replayable scenarios. It’s out on November 22 nd for Xbox One, PS4 and PC so let’s take a look at 15 things you need to know before buying.ContractsThe game is about, shock of shocks, contracts.
Players will take on different contracts, assassinating targets to earn money and upgrades. The campaign is composed of 25 contracts in total. Though there is a loose “story” governing the pace and background information on each main target, your main purpose is to fulfill these contracts and get paid. It’s a lot like IO Interactive’s recent Hitman games but with more realistic sniping.Side ObjectivesOf course, it’s not as cut and dry as simply assassinating a target. During a contract, you’ll have specific side-objectives to fulfill. Think of them as additional objectives which can be completed for an improved payout. CI Games also noted that there would be bounty contracts which aren’t required to progress through the campaign but provide additional challenges to master.No Open WorldThe overall scale of Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3, coupled with its optimization, led to numerous gameplay issues and long loading times.
By emphasizing assassinations with clear parameters in focused zones, Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts returns to what matters most – sniping. It also doesn’t hurt that loading times are better and visuals have been improved with this scaled down approach.Five Sandbox AreasSniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts is set entirely in Siberia with five large sandboxes each containing five main contracts to complete. Complete contracting from a previous region will unlock the next so there is a set path of progression in the campaign. Each sandbox has its share of unique areas for contracts and despite confined to only one province, there are a variety of sights to see like dense forests, industrial areas and lakes.Dynamic Reticle SystemUnlike many games, the sniping here is pretty realistic. You need to measure bullet distance, wind direction and other conditions to successfully kill foes.
Fortunately, there’s the Dynamic Reticle System which provides a clearer outline for your shots (including the exact travel path of your bullets). Setting up and measuring shots carefully is imperative to success.AR MaskTo better navigate the sandbox, players will have an Augmented Reality or AR Mask. This includes thermal vision, the ability to scan geometry and even functions as a pair of binoculars. Is it a fancier term for a HUD that also supports marking foes and zooming into distant objects? From the outset, sure, but as you unlock upgrades, going into “Mask Mode” will enable a variety of fun tactics like revealing weak spots for vehicles and fuse boxes to destroy them.Slow Mo Bullet CamIt wouldn’t be a sniping game without some kind of slow mo bullet cam to trace the path of shots to a target.
There’s no X-Ray mode like Sniper Elite 4 so you won’t see bones and muscles ripping apart with each shot landed. But there is a nice cinematic flair added to kill, which can hopefully be skipped when we don’t want to see it every time.Open-Ended GameplayWhile sniping is pretty much your main means of killing, you don’t have to play that way. You can get up close and personal with a silenced pistol and eliminate enemies one by one.
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Want to run around with a knife, chaining kills? How about running and gunning with a shotgun or just killing targets with grenades? It’s all possible but the louder the approach, the tougher it’ll be to complete the contract. That’s because you need to evacuate after an assassination so even when sniping, being silent is imperative for a smooth escape.
The contract won’t be completed without a successful evac.RivalsOne element which hasn’t been detailed much are the Rivals that can crop up during missions. These are essentially AI snipers competing for the same contracts as you. Either take out a target before they do or eliminate them altogether to secure the contract.
Will different Rivals have different play-styles? Will there be different incentive for taking down Rivals? The developer has yet to provide more details, sadly.Mask and Suit UpgradesThere a number of upgrade trees in-game, ranging from the AR Mask’s Scouting, Utility and Awareness categories to customizing one’s suit. Suit unlocks start out fairly straightforward, increasing your overall health and stamina.
Later perks confer benefits like no noise generation while walking or sprinting, reduced fall damage and additional armor. As for the AR Mask, one upgrade will let you see the cone of vision for enemies while another enables you to see all traps and mines laid within a five meter range when in Mask Mode.Support Items and GadgetsSupport Items include the sniper turret and scout drone. The sniper turret is particularly intriguing since you can customize it for semi-auto fire or equip a silencer and increase its number of targets. Likewise, the scout drone can also be customized to have thermal vision, emit an EMP and also tag all enemies in a 10 meter range. Other gadgets include mines, throwing knives, smoke grenades and much more to make life difficult for your foes.
There also special ammo types like D.A.R.P.A Bullets which ignore weather and elevation, Armor Piercing Bullets to hit enemies through walls and EMP Bullets to disable electronics.Weapon CustomizationIf you’re used to fine-tuning your weapons, don’t worry – Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts features a robust weapon customization system. You can change the scope, magazine, barrel, underbarrel, camo and much more to suit your preferences. Along with a primary sniper rifle – with options like the Tactical XCR 700, Sturm – Precision and Model Ron B82 – there are secondary weapons like the AKA-47 and AMA Ace-7 assault rifles and Giovanni M4 shotgun. You can also have sidearms like the Fort P99, Falcom IRM and Spring 686.StealthStealth on its own is a major component – the more sneaky you are while sniping, the less attention drawn to you and the easier it is to evacuate. However, this applies when infiltrating a base on foot as you can sneak behind enemies and silently take them down.
You can also interrogate enemies to gain access to locations for enemies and supplies. Interrogating officers may provide critical information for your mission.Multiplayer OptionsAnother area where CI Games has been strangely quiet is multiplayer.
The developer had previously confirmed that there would be multiplayer options but hasn’t offered more information on the same. Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 did have a multiplayer mode which included different maps, modes and weapons but this arrived a full nine months after the base game’s launch. Whether this will be the same approach for Sniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts remains to be seen.Xbox One X/PS4 Pro SupportSniper: Ghost Warrior Contracts will support the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro along with “newer” PC hardware. However, again, there isn’t any information on the resolution, frame rate, possible visual enhancements, different modes etc. So if you’re playing on either console and expect 4K resolution support of some kind, best to temper expectations until CI Games offers more details.