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An exciting new update is coming to War2 Glory to expand the powers of your Officers! Highly-decorated soldiers earn service badges of many years in the field of combat, what if those badges granted bonuses to your forces?
That's the premise of the Badges update! Find, win or buy Service Badges, promoting your individual troops abilities..need to increase your Rocket's Range? Grab a Rocket badge of Range! Need your Scouts to kick up the pace? Get yourself a Scout Badge of Speed!
So how does it work?
Each and every Officer will receive a Service Ribbon..

The ribbon has a number of Slots, you begin with 5 and can have a max. of 20.
Each Badge fits into a slot(s), the no. depending on the quality of the badge.
There are a variety of Badges in 4 categories: White, Green, Blue and Purple.

InfantryScoutsHeavy TankFighters
Moto. InfantryLight TanksRocketsBattleships
AV'sSelf-Propelled GunsBombersCarriers

SubmarineDestroyersSpecial Forces

Every Badge will buff a specific trait of a Troop type, the different traits that can be buffed are:
HP or Life
Vs. Ground attack
Vs. Fortifications attack
Vs. Navy attack
Vs. Air attack
Speed (travelling or Map speed)
Attack Speed (distance covered in Battles)

Open the Badges crafting options by clicking on the Badge and selecting 'Use'
Upgrading Badges
All Badges start with a standard Buff of +10% (+10% Speed / Range / HP etc.) however you can upgrade them a further 4 times, adding an extra 5% each time: +10%, +15%, +20%, +25% and +30%
Level 1 (Initial)Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5
0 Essence2 Essences4 Essences8 Essences16 Essences

Note: The bonus % is always based on the Base attribute of the Troops.
Each upgrade will require a number of Essences. Essences can be acquired via the Item Shop OR you can choose to disassemble your trash or unwanted Badges and turn them into Essences.
Disassembling Badges
Each Badge can be disassembled, the quality of the essence depends directly on the type of Badge. To disassemble, open the Badges menu by clicking on a badge and then selecting 'Use'.
A White Badge will disassemble into a 1x White Essence
A Green badge will disassemble into a 1x Green Essence
A Blue Badge will disassemble into a 1x Blue Essence
A Purple Badge will disassemble into a 1x Purple Essence
Refining Badges:
You've seen how you can increase the Troop Buff on the badge, now see how you can increase your Officer's attributes! That's right, badges can boost your Officer's Military / Political and Knowledge levels.
White badges can gain upto 15 Points
Green and Blue badges can gain upto 20 Points
Purple badges can gain upto 25 points
A Refinement Kit is needed for each refine! Each refinement can add +1, +2 points or deduct -1 or -2 points, so be careful!
Additionally, each Refine can change the attribute type being buffed, i.e. you refine your Badge and gain +2 points, but your buff attribute changes from Military to Knowledge.
Daily Missions give out fragments of a badge chest. Keep collecting them daily and exchange them for chests of the color you want.


Badges FAQ

Q: What are Badges?
A: Badges are a new type of equipment that can be placed in a special ‘Ribbon’ which is owned by every Officer.
Q: How do I get Badges?
A: Badges will be available from certain Chests, available in the Military Item Shop and on occasion will be in NPC droprates or available from certain Chests / Quests

Q: What is the Ribbon?

A: The ‘Service Ribbon’ is a where Badges can be equipped. It is visible on the Officer menu above where you equip Officer equipment.
Q: How many Badges can I use at once?
A: That depends, the Ribbon has 20 free slots. Each Badge will occupy a different amount of slots depending on its quality. Expect to equip between 4 – 6 Badges at any one time.
Q: Can’t equip a Badge, it says ‘Not enough space on Ribbon…’
A: There is room for 20 slots, but the Ribbon begins with only 5 available. To open up more slots, click on the Ribbon and then click Expand. It will cost an amount of diamonds to expand each slot.
Q: How do I equip Badges?
A: From the Officer menu, click on the Ribbon. This will open up the Ribbon menu, displaying used slots, available slots and unopened slots, as well as any currently-equipped Badges. To equip a Badge, click on ‘Equip’ and then choose which Badge you wish to equip.
Q: ‘Your Officer is busy’…why can’t I equip a Badge?
A: Badges can only be equipped on Idle officers.
Q: What are the benefits of Badges?
A: Each Badge will add a percentile-buff to an attribute on a Troop-type. Each Badge begins with a 10% buff but this can be improved with Upgrading.
Q: Why can’t I find a White Quality Badge of Speed for Aircraft carriers?
A: Not all Badges are available for all troop types. White Badges only exist for lesser-quality troops such as: Infantry, Motorised Infantry and Armoured Vehicles. Purple Badges only exist for superior troop types such as: Special Forces, Fighters, Carriers.
Q: How can I improve Badges?
A: There are 2 ways to improve Badges: Upgrading & Refining. Both can be done through the Badges crafting menu.

Q: What is Upgrading?

A: Upgrading increases the percentile-buff of the badge, upto a maximum of 30%.
Q: What is Refining?
A: Refining adds Attribute points to the Badge, so the Badge when equipped can increase your Officer’s Military, Politics or Knowledge skills.

Q: How do I upgrade or refine?

A: Open the Badges Crafting menu by opening your inventory, clicking on the new tab: Badges, and left-click on the Badge you want to improve. Click ‘Use’ and this will open the Crafting menu. Be careful not to choose ‘Sell’!
Q: I want to upgrade but it says I need Essences?
A: Badges are constructed out of Essences. To upgrade a Badge, you will need a required amount of Essences of the Badge Quality, i.e. Green Essences for Green Badges, Purple Essences for Purple Badges and so forth.
Q: How do I get Essences then?
A: You might be able to get them directly from the Military Item Shop, or from droprates but this depends on what Events or Promotions are going on in the game. However, you can always get Essences by ‘Disassembling’ badges. As I mentioned before, all Badges are made from Essences and by breaking them apart, you can get one Essence of the Badge’s Quality, i.e Disassemble a Green Badge and it will yield one Green Essence.
Q: I want to Refine but it says I need a Refining Kit?
A: In order to refine, you will needs these special items that are quite rare. They aren’t currently available from the Item Shop and aren’t in the droprates, although you may be able to obtain them from the Lucky Draw or from some Quests. Most of the time, they will be made available on special Promotions with the Diamond Shop or Item Shop.

Q: How many times can I refine a Badge?

A: Well, each quality of Badge has an upper-limit of attribute points that can be added. White = 15, Green / Blue = 20, Purple = 25. Each Refine will modify the attribute points by either: +1, +2, -2, -1.
Yes, you read that correctly, Refines can fail and will deduct points when they do, so be careful!

Q: The type of Attribute on my Badge has changed?!

A: EACH Refine can modify the points gained / lost, and can also change the Type of Attribute.
Q: What do I do if I have a problem with my Badge?
A: If you have any issues with Badges, please contact us at: support[at]war2glory.co.uk

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