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In this way it might be literally possible 'to hear a shadow fall athwart the stillness.' Thus she was the first to note a shadow fall athwart the doorway.They knew that athwart the Khalifa's writ was stencilled 'Made in Germany.' A cocked hat worn with the peak in front instead of athwart.Very devout too; honest to the bone, athwart all her prejudices.Garth spread his own bed under the stars, athwart the door of the tent.Long rays, like radiant spears, shot up and athwart the sky.Gigantic behind them, athwart the carrier lay the captured aeropile.And athwart the blackened sky there darts a dazzling flash of lightning.Did the shadow of the axe or gibbet fall athwart his dreams? RELATED WORDS AND SYNONYMS FOR ATHWART.

Athwart: From one side to the other of; across.