Chicken Invaders 5 Free Download Full Version For Pc
Chicken Invaders 5 Free Download Full Game Pc. At the forefront of a battle against. Studios Windows XP/2003/Vista/Server 2008/7/8 Version.
Classic Shoot 'Em Up Featuring Invading Intergalactic ChickensThe 5th instalment of this series, subtitled 'Cluck of the Dark Side', sees our hero tucking into an outer-space chicken dinner when suddenly the sun goes dark - the nefarious intergalactic chickens are back with a plot to take over the entire solar system by blocking out the sun and freezing the Earth. So that's the fairly spurious plot line out of the way - what about the game?Chicken Invaders 5 is a classic Space Invaders / Galaxian type game featuring fun gameplay and quirky, whimsical graphics, with a sense of humour strongly present (although you might recognise many of the jokes if you've played previous games in the series). The gameplay is expanded somewhat by more weapons, power ups, upgrades, and other collectible items than in previous CI games. The 120 waves of invading poultry are further varied with 3 difficulty levels where the same invaders become more able to resist your weapons - this extends the replaying attraction to some extent, although more differences between the difficulty levels might have helped more for this. It is also possible to customise your ship more, and the game includes plenty of unlockable sections to further increase the long term attractiveness.The graphics are decent if not outstanding, and the game runs smoothly enough, while there are separate volume controls for the music and sound effects which is a good feature to have if the music doesn't float your boat. If you use the keyboard for play, the sensitivity is adjustable to your liking, although in all honesty most players will opt for mouse or joystick. There are plenty of graphics options to get the game running smoothly on your set up, although as the graphics are overall fairly simple there shouldn't be much trouble with the game struggling except on the oldest of machines.So what's the conclusion?

If you're a fan of the first 4 Chicken Invader games you won't be disappointed as it's broadly more of the same with added shiny bits. The gameplay is simple and fun, and won't require hours of practive to get the hang of. If however you're new to the series and might be used to more complicated, immersive games then you might be underwhelmed by its simplicity.Pros.
Simply great fun to play. High and lasting playability, with a caveat (see below). Good variety of weapons, upgrades and bonus levelsCons.
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Larger differences between the difficulty levels would have been nice. Might be too simple for some tastes.