Saira Rao
Praying mantis, sand tiger shark, Democrats: creatures who eat their own. On Tuesday, Saira Rao — a “Justice Democrat” (like AOC) and former Colorado political candidate — called Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi a white supremacist. Mar 24, 2020 Jonesing for a hot take? Blue-checked SJW Saira Rao reveals that white people are responsible for the COVID19 crisis Posted at 2:44 pm on March 24, 2020 by Sarah D.
A losing Democrat candidate for Congress from Colorado said on Thursday she has “given up on white people” after earning only 31 percent of this year’s Democrat primary vote.
First-time candidate Saira Rao, daughter of two immigrants from India, failed in her bid to unseat Rep. Diana DeGette in Colorado’s First Congressional District, and the experience has apparently made her decide that all whites are racist, Daily Caller noted.
When she announced her candidacy this year, Rao insisted she intended to “shake up the status-quo and actually fight for equity.” But voters opted for long-time Rep. DeGette, who has held the seat since 1997.
After her loss, Rao took to twitter and re-tweeted an article published by the New York Times entitled, “Should I Give Up on White People?”:
Short and long answer: YES.
Should I Give Up on White People? https://t.co/MD0JDNgFNx
— saira rao (@sairasameerarao) July 5, 2018
The Times article insisted white people will never own up to the truth that they all hate blacks and that they will never value a black person’s “humanity.”
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Many thought Rao’s tweet smacked of sour grapes, but Rao said she stands by her discouragement about the racism of white people.
“I stand by it,” Rao toldColorado Politics. “It’s incumbent on white people and not people of color to solve it,” Rao said, “just as it’s incumbent on men to solve sexism.”
Rao went on to say whites suffer from “white fragility” if they do not like being lumped in with white supremacists.
She also hinted that she doesn’t think its possible for minorities to be racist: “It makes black and brown people cringe for white people to tell them they’re being racist,” she said.
This most recent proclamation is not the first time Rao has “given up” on things. Late last year, she also wrote an “open letter” saying she had given up on the Democrat Party, even though she was preparing to run for Congress as a Democrat.
“I loved you so much that I cried each time I voted,” she said of the Party. “Thinking about the women who died fighting for my right to vote did it every time. I cried when I voted for Bill. For Barack Obama. I wept when I voted for Hillary. You’ve been that kind of mad love to me.”
“And now I want to break up,” she added gravely.
Also in her letter, Rao complained that the Democrat Party do not care what minorities have to say. “I’ve been used as a pawn by the party, I’ve been used for fundraising, for getting out the vote,” she wrote. “And then when I have something that I want them to hear, they’re not interested. Not at the table. You know what? I’ve been serving the table. I haven’t been invited to sit there.”
She also said her love for the Democrat Party has been one-sided: “You’ve taken my love, my money, my tokenism, with nary anything in return,” she wrote.
Rao attacked whites in her open letter, saying, “You continue to call angry white men who commit mass murder ‘lone wolves.’ But if someone who looks like me screams ‘Allah’ and fires a gun, it’s ‘terrorism.'”
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