Tales Of Legendia Grune
Grune is a character from the video game Tales of Legendia. They have been indexed as Female Adult with Blue / Green eyes and White hair that is To Ears length.
Disclaimer: I am a huge Tales fan and have played nearly every other game in the series to or near to completion, with the exception of Innocence.Legendia is an odd beast. There are things about this game I absolutely adore. The dub is excellent for its time. The world is one of the most amazingly creative and beautiful settings I`ve seen in a game. The Go Shiina soundtrack is sublime. The character design is a bit odd, but also incredibly unique and a nice change from the typical dime-a-dozen Tales designs (I secretely love them in their own right, but the breather was nice).But I have as much to complain about as I do to praise. The battle system is incredibly basic, and a step back even from the now-dated Symphonia (and certainly from the still-great Rebirth).
The second half of the game isn`t even dubbed. The world is incredibly fleshed out story wise, but we only ever see the ship - never the mainland. Stronghold crusader extreme free download. There`s no multiplayer. The dungeon design is nothing special, and boring and repetitive at its worst, thanks largely in part to the barebones battle system.I love the atmosphere of the game, but every time I try to go back to it, I can never even make it past the first half.
Is it worth my time? Is there a let`s play that I`m better off reading?Thoughts? The OST is the only great part about the game.
It's more like the last third of the game than half of it, but like it was mentioned earlier, the lack of dubbing isn't the worst part. They send you back through dungeons you've already done before, and they were bad the first time. On top of that, the high random encounter rate and bad combat system make the entire game tedious to get through. If you're going to play it, I would say set it to easy and go through every dungeon using the consumable that lowers random encounter rates. I think it's a cool laid back kind of game.
It's not a difficult game at all so it's pretty easy to sit back and put a few hours in each day to get through the story and enjoy the music and some of the environments.I don't think I could go through it more than once though. The length, lack of challenge, linear storyline, and pretty basic battle system hurt its replayability considerably. Aside from two, maybe three of the 2D games, I feel the Gamecube/PS2-era Tales games can be kind of annoying to play through nowadays due to their length and lack of gameplay/QoL improvements made in the later games.
Honestly when I decided I wanted to beat it back in like 2012, I really enjoyed it. It has issues galore.
It has some of the most unique elements in the series and simultaneously manages to regress past even Phantasia in other areas.The second half not being dubbed is criminal though. The voice acting was actually really good and that’s where most of the interesting character developments and emotional moments are.Though I will say the game’s cast is so spastic. I think I just about hated all of them at various points in the game, minus Norma and Grune IIRC. And actually, I still can’t say I much cared for Will or Jay by the end, but I still think the game’s cast is fairly unique.I can say more but I’m just gonna leave it with Norma is the best ever. I love Tales of Legendia, I've burned about 200 hours into it with multiple playthoughs but if you're asking me to play it now after playing the recent Tales of games then I'd rather not. It's not just the battle system, moving around is a slog. Also, it's not really a major thing but the second half not being dubbed (except anime cutscenes) puts me off.
I personally think it's the best part of the game since it focuses a lot on the cast.The cast, story, and music are the game's good points though.
Grune: Tane o uemashoWill.Senel.Grune: Mizu o MakimashoMoses. NeesanJay.Grune san?Grune: Sukusuku sukoyakani,Shirley.chole.Norma: Daijoube desukana?Grune: OkikunareEveryone.We think maybe not. If you've ever played TOL let think about the screne when Grune grow up the seeds.-Japanese Lyrics-「た~ねを植えま~しょ~♪」「み~ずを蒔きま~しょ~♪」「ス~クス~ク健やか・・・」.