War Of The Roses History
Jul 28, 2019 The War of the Roses begins In the opening battle of England’s War of the Roses, the Yorkists defeat King Henry VI’s Lancastrian forces at St. Albans, 20 miles northwest of London.
About the middle of the 15th cent. Richard, duke of York , came to the fore as leader of the opposition to the faction (William de la Pole , duke of Suffolk; Edmund Beaufort, duke of Somerset ; and the queen, Margaret of Anjou ) that controlled the weak Lancastrian king Henry VI . The Yorkists gained popular support as a result of discontent over the failure of English arms in the Hundred Years War and over the corruption of the court, discontent reflected in the rebellion of Jack Cade in 1450. Also in that year Suffolk was murdered, and the duke of York forced the king to recognize his claim as heir to the throne. In 1453 the king became insane, and the birth of a son to Margaret of Anjou displaced York as heir. The duke was appointed protector, but when the king recovered in 1454, York was excluded from the royal council. He resorted to arms.
The opposing factions met (1455) at St. Albans—usually taken as the first battle of the Wars of the Roses. Somerset was killed, leaving Queen Margaret at the head of the defeated royal party, and York again served as protector for a short period (1455–56). By 1459 both parties were once more in arms. The following year the Yorkists defeated and captured the king at the battle of Northampton. The duke of York hurried to London to assert his claims to the throne, which were, by laws of strict inheritance, perhaps better than those of the king himself. A compromise was effected by which Henry remained king and York and his heirs were declared successors.
Queen Margaret, whose son was thus disinherited, raised an army and defeated (1460) the Yorkists at Wakefield. York was killed in this battle, and his claims devolved upon his son Edward, but Richard Neville, earl of Warwick , became the real leader of the Yorkist party. Margaret's army rescued the king from captivity in the second battle of St. Albans (Feb., 1461), but Edward meanwhile secured a Yorkist victory at Mortimer's Cross, marched into London unopposed, and assumed the throne as Edward IV .
The Lancastrians, after their defeat at Towton (Mar., 1461), continued (with Scottish aid) to raise resistance in the north until 1464. The deposed Henry was captured (1465) and put into the Tower of London. Although the Lancastrian cause now seemed hopeless, a quarrel broke out between Warwick and Edward IV after the latter's marriage to Elizabeth Woodville in 1464. Warwick and the king's brother George, duke of Clarence , allied against Edward, fled to France (1470), and there became reconciled with Margaret of Anjou. Supported by Louis XI of France, they crossed to England and restored Henry VI to the throne.
Edward fled, but with the aid of Charles the Bold, duke of Burgundy, returned to England in 1471, regained London, and recaptured Henry. In the ensuing battles of Barnet and Tewkesbury (1471), Warwick and Henry's son, Edward, were killed. Margaret was imprisoned. Soon thereafter Henry VI died, probably slain at the orders of Edward IV. After 12 relatively peaceful years, Edward IV was succeeded (1483) by his young son Edward V , but soon the boy's uncle Richard, duke of Gloucester, usurped the throne as Richard III . Opposition to Richard advanced the fortunes of Henry Tudor, earl of Richmond, now the Lancastrian claimant. In 1485, Henry landed from France, defeated and killed Richard at Bosworth Field, and ascended the throne as Henry VII .
Henry VII's marriage to Edward IV's daughter, Elizabeth, united the houses of Lancaster and York. Except for various efforts during Henry's reign to place Yorkist pretenders on the throne, the Wars of the Roses were ended. It is generally said that with them ended the era of feudalism in England, since the nobles who participated suffered heavy loss of life and property and were too weak, as a class, to contest the strong monarchy of the Tudors. The middle and lower classes were largely indifferent to the struggle and relatively untouched by it.

See E. F. Jacob, The Fifteenth Century (1961); P. M. Kendall, The Yorkist Age (1962, repr. 1965); S. B. Chrimes, Lancastrians, Yorkists, and Henry VII (1964); J. R. Lander, The Wars of the Roses (1965); C. D. Ross, Wars of the Roses: A Concise History (1976); E. Hallam, ed., Wars of the Roses (1988) and Chronicles of the Wars of the Roses (1988); A. J. Pollard, Wars of the Roses (1995); A. Weir, Wars of the Roses (1995); S. Gristwood, Blood Sisters: The Women behind the War of the Roses (2013); D. Jones, The Wars of the Roses (2014).
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.
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. End of the. Establishment of the. End of the. Strengthening of the English monarchy under the Tudors. Dawn of theBelligerentsSupported by:Supported by:Commanders and leadersThe Wars of the Roses (1455–1487) were a series of, fought over the throne of, between supporters of the (the Lancastrians) and supporters of the (the Yorkists). Both houses were branches of the royal house, and were related through King.The wars began for several reasons.
Historians have different ideas over which was the most important. King was seen as a poor ruler by many of his people, due to his lack of interest in politics and his (his French queen often made key decisions instead). It was also caused by to England's defeat in the in France, money problems afterwards and problems with the of government.The name of the Wars of the Roses comes from the white rose symbol for the House of York and the red rose symbol for the House of Lancaster.
However, the red rose symbol was not used until after the wars ended, and most soldiers fought under the symbol of their local nobleman. The name was not used until the. In earlier years they were known as the 'Civil Wars'. The houses were named after the cities of and, but these cities played little role in the war. The two houses owned land all over England and Wales. Contents.Background King Edward III had many sons, as shown in the family tree below. His oldest son, known by his nickname ' died first, and the throne passed to the Black Prince's son, Richard, who became King in 1377 at the age of only ten.
He grew up to be a weak and unpopular king, and one of his actions was to send his cousin Henry into. Henry later returned, while Richard was away in Ireland, and took over the country.
When Richard returned, Henry tricked him into giving himself up. Richard was put in prison, where he died. Henry became King.Although Henry IV reigned until his death, and was followed by his son, King Henry V (in 1413), the next king in line, King Henry VI was only a baby when crowned in 1422. Henry VI ruled for many years, but was considered a poor ruler by some of his people, due to his lack of interest in politics, ongoing mental illness and the dominance of his French queen,.In 1453, Henry VI's mental illness left him unable run the country. A powerful nobleman called persuaded the other nobles to make him '.
This meant that he would run the country until the king recovered. Henry recovered in 1455. Margaret persuaded Henry to remove York from power.
York then became afraid the king would have him executed.War Early fighting (1455) York decided the only way he could protect himself was to defeat the king in battle. He raised an army of many people who were unhappy with Henry and Margaret. This led to the in 1455. It was the first to be fought between the Yorkists (who supported York) and the Lancastrians (who supported Henry). York won with the help of the.
Henry was found hiding in a leather shop and taken prisoner. He was again overcome with mental illness. Some of his key supporters were killed in the battle.
York was again made Lord Protector.The next year, Henry recovered. York let him go back to running the country and was put in charge of running.
Henry and Margaret knew that they could not get rid of Richard easily. For the next few years, both sides wanted to stop a war from breaking out. But they could not agree on several things. York wanted to be the next king after Henry died, rather than Henry and Margaret's newborn son Edward. Margaret would not allow this. Henry moved to, where he had more support.Main fighting (1459-61) A more serious war broke out in 1459.
It started because Neville was the Captain of Calais and had attacked other country's ships. Henry asked Warwick to meet to explain what he doing, but Warwick refused. Soon enough, York and Warwick started putting together an army. They were stopped at the and fled England. Henry and the Lancastrians now had control. They ordered York and Warwick to be executed if they were found.It did not last long. York and Warwick returned and raised an army.
They won the. For the second time, Henry was captured after being overcome with mental illness.
York was made Lord Protector for a third time. York then announced that he wanted to take the throne for himself.
Many of his supporters thought this was a step too far. So instead, they agreed that Henry would still be king but York (and not Henry's son) would be the next king.York then travelled to the north of England to attack the remaining Lancastrians. This led to a disaster. York lost the at the end of 1460 and was killed.
His son the became leader of the Yorkists. The next year saw mixed results for both sides. Edward defeated a Lancastrian army at the Battle of Mortimer's Cross, but the Lancastrians won the where Henry escaped. In London, Edward was met with lots of support. He announced he wanted to take the throne. He then defeated the Lancastrians at the.
This was the bloodiest battle to have ever been fought on British soil.After Towton, Edward was in control of England. He was crowned as Edward IV in June 1461. Over the next few years, he and his allies put down small Lancastrian rebellions.
Henry was again captured in 1565.Warwick changes sides (1469-71) Fighting broke out again in 1469 when Edward's most powerful supporter, the, switched sides. Warwick was furious that Edward had married, a common woman.
Many people also thought this was wrong. At the time, kings were expected to marry the daughters of noblemen or other kings.
Warwick led a rebellion against the king. The country was left in confusion.
At one point Warwick captured Edward, meaning that he had two kings captured. He soon let Edward go.Warwick then supported making Henry king again. He believed he could run the country while Henry was on the throne. He also arranged for Henry's son to marry Warwick's daughter Anne Neville.
Edward could not raise an army to fight, so he fled the country in 1470. Henry VI then became the ruler again. Warwick's role in bringing Edward and then Henry to power led to him being nicknamed 'Kingmaker'.Henry's return did not last long. Warwick planned to help invade, so Burgundy helped Edward find soldiers. Edward returned in 1471. He then won two big victories over the Lancastrians. The first was the, where Warwick was killed.
The second was the, where Margaret was taken prisoner and her son was killed. Edward IV took the throne again and Henry VI died soon afterwards. Historians think Edward had him murdered. This left the Lancastrians without a leader. There was little fighting for the next 12 years. Margaret was released in 1475 and went back to France. She died in 1482.Richard III (1483-85) Edward IV ruled until his sudden death in 1483.
Just before dying, Edward had said that his 12-year old son should become king as, while Edward's brother would be 'Lord Protector'. Richard would run the country until Edward V became an adult.Edward V was the king for 78 days before Richard took the throne for himself.
He was crowned as Richard III. The young Edward and his brother disappeared a few months later while living in the. Many people thought Richard had ordered the boys to be killed (some historians agree). This caused many Yorkists to turn against Richard III.Richard managed to win against a rebellion by his old friend, the Duke of Buckingham., a distant relative of Henry VI, then returned to England. He became the leader of the rebellions, creating a new Lancastrian army. In the, Richard III was killed and his army was defeated. Henry took the throne as King Henry VII, the first king of the.Afterwards The Battle of Bosworth Field is often seen as the end of the war.
However, there was another big battle two years later when Henry VII stopped a rebellion. Despite this, Henry was able to bring peace to the country.Henry told people that he was bringing the two houses together. To show this, he married Edward IV's daughter. He also invented the symbol, with a red rose and white rose joined together.References. Wagner and Susan Walters Schmid, eds. Encyclopedia of Tudor England (3 vol.