We Were Here Marionette


Supermarionation (a portmanteau of 'super', 'marionette' and 'animation') is a style of television and film production created in the 1960s by British production company AP Films (APF; later re-named Century 21 Productions). The electronic marionette puppetry was dubbed 'supermarionation' by its creators Gerry and Sylvia Anderson, who used it extensively for TV series and a few feature films. On the Marionette Theatre. By Heinrich von Kleist. Translated by Idris Parry One evening in the winter of 1801 I met an old friend in a public park. He had recently been appointed principal dancer at the local theatre and was enjoying immense popularity with the audiences.

Before we start, I'm going to quickly explain the format of this written guide. Almost all of the instructions will be for the Explorer role. There are only 2 times that the Librarian is required to interact with something for a puzzle. Even if they are idle, they will get the achievements for assisting in the puzzles. I will specify when the Librarian is getting instructions as well as putting the specification in bold so it's harder to miss. If I don't specify anyone (though I probably will), assume it's instructions for the Explorer role.Before doing anything though, find your partner and add them as a friend. Be sure that the person who doesn't get this achievement on the first playthrough starts the game and invites the other on playthrough 2 or 3 so you both get this achievement.

Tiny troopers joint ops gameplay. 2 guides Submerged HallwayAs the Librarian, walk through the room with the table in the center and you will see red pipes leading past a newly opened door in the far corner. Walk through the door and all the way down the stairs, until you see a flooded basement and 3 colored valves. Wait for instructions from the Explorer.As the Explorer, a door will open in your room.

The next puzzle is timed, but it's more than enough time to finish the puzzle before death. Walk into the room and there is a staircase on the far left of the room. Walk down it and there will be a locked door with a color written above it. Relay what color you see to the Librarian, note that the answer is the color that is SPELLED OUT, not the color of the letters.As the Librarian, turn the two valves that create the color that the Explorer relayed to you. Red + Yellow = Orange. Red + Blue = Purple. Yellow + Blue = GreenWhen done correctly, you will both earn your respective roles' achievements.The Explorer earns.

2 guides The DungeonAs the Explorer, walk through the door, over the pressure plate in the middle of the hallway and through the second door. There will be the white gate in front of you with a white lever on the right wall. Pull the lever, step onto the other side of the gate and pull the lever again. Walk under the white gate to the compass on the ground. The red arrow on the compass points north.

This small maze has gates of 3 colors (Blue, Green, and Red) with corresponding levers. One gate is open at all times, and pulling the lever closes one gate and opens the opposite gate. Below is a map of the maze. 2 guides. Make sure the red lever is pointing towards the floor before progressing.

Turn around and leave the room, follow the left wall to the staircase you came from, and follow this hallway around to the end. When you come to your first left turn, take it and pull the blue lever in this room. Turn around and leave the room, turn left and head down the stairs ahead. Turn right, walk up the stairs and follow the right wall. Walk under the blue gate and down the stairs, turn right and pull the green lever. Facing the green lever, turn left and you will notice a staircase on the right wall. Walk up this, walking underneath a green gate, and progress forward shortly until getting to your first left, which should be a staircase and a red gate.

Walk through the gate and the door ahead will open as you approach.It is recommended you read ahead, as your vision becomes obscured the longer it takes you to complete this next puzzle, followed by death after a few minutes.When you open the door at the end of the maze, you will both earn your respective roles' achievements.The Explorer earns. 2 guides Haunted TheaterAs the Librarian, if you haven't returned to the spawn room at the top of the staircase, then do so now. In the middle of this area, there will be a staircase with a white lever at the top.

Walk up that staircase, ignore the lever and turn right and walk through the open door at the end of this path. Down the hallway will be theater with a stage in front of you.

Walk through a door on either side to gain access to the stage. Face the audience and on your left will be a gramophone, interact with it. From now on, do not go towards the audience.As the Explorer, head through the open door to see a panel of 6 cranks. Interact with it. The next puzzle requires you to turn cranks 5-6 times to fully extend props on the stage (just keep turning them until there is no scraping noise), then to press and pull the Scene lever located just to the right of the panel of cranks.

There is a key below. Remember to turn the prop continuously (5-6 times each until it is fully extended or retracted to be sure to get the 'perfect play'. Scene 1: Turn 1 and 5 to the left, then pull the Scene lever. Scene 2: Turn 1, 2 and 3 to the left, then pull the Scene lever.

Scene 3: Turn 1, 2, 3, and 5 to the left, then pull the Scene lever. Supermarket mania 2 games. Scene 4: Turn 4 to the left, and 2 to the right, then pull the Scene lever. Scene 5: Turn 2 to the left, then flip the Blood Light switch. Now pull the Scene leverOnce the Scene lever has been pulled, the trapdoor in front of the panel of cranks will open. Interact with it to enter the final hallway.As the Librarian, there will be a trapdoor in the back of the stage (behind the props) that will open.

Interact with it to enter the final hallway.The Explorer earns. 2 guides Playthrough 2 and CleanupThe second playthrough should start with the person who did not receive the 'Everything is Better With Friends' achievement. Make sure you two switch roles from playthrough 1 (in the lobby, press on the grey box with the role in it to swap) and proceed this time with the intent to complete every puzzle without dying or making mistakes. Save the 'Happy Ending' achievement for a partial playthrough after this one, because if the Explorer decides to earn this achievement this playthrough, it will result in you two having to make the third playthrough a complete one. If you save it for the third run and beat the game without mistakes or dying on Run 2, Run 3 will only have to be up until the Dungeon.